4056 BASEL
MARS Gallery
Stand A25
11 – 16 June, 2018

Machine / Instrument No. 2, 2018
Cardboard, paper, brass, nickel, 11 jewel Hermle carriage movement. Mounted on wooden base (Victorian Ash) under low iron glass,
65 x 30.5 x 30.5 cm (including glass vitrine)

Machine / Instrument No. 3, 2018, Cardboard, paper, brass, nickel, 11 jewel Hermle carriage movement. Mounted on wooden base (Victorian Ash) under low iron glass, 65 x 30.5 x 30.5 cm (including glass vitrine)

Machine / Instrument No. 1, 2017
Cardboard, wax paper, electronics, glass,
23 x 12 x 17cm

Machine / Instrument No. 4, 2017
Cardboard, wax paper, electronics, glass,
23 x 12 x 17cm
Value systems determine the value of things. Sample of no value is a phrase used to ascribe the idea of no value to goods on a customs declaration, so as not to be quantified by an assessor, and thus have no value. This allows the item to pass freely between political borders without having to assert value and give compensation for the pleasure of doing so. It is as abstract a concept as infinity. Everything has a value until it doesn’t. I am valued by the sum of my output, commodities are valued by the economy, people are valued by their ability to contribute to the value system.
In an attempt to measure value, machines are often employed to assist or expedite the process of assigning the value equation.
‘Sample of no value’ is an arrangement of such machines that perform various functions concerning the ingesting, assessing, measuring and broadcasting of value.
The apparatus are detailed and impossibly intricate, forged principally from cardboard, to deliberately speak to a discord of fragility to the robust, opulence with commodity, simultaneously expendable yet precious.

Young blood, 2018
dimensions variable